8 September 2009

"Love VS Need" , "Wanted VS Needed"

Often I heard these two popular quotes:

"I love you because I need you"

"I need you because I love you"

At a glance, there is no obvious difference between those two. Both look similar and technically correct. But when we think a bit further (women do this, silly though!), we may find that they're different. At least philosophically. Women might want to hear the second one because there is no doubt it's the ideal one. The first one is not preferable by women but often said by men.

"Why do you love me?", one may ask.

"Because I need you", the other may answer.

I love you because I need somebody to make my breakfast, to do laundry, to wake me up, to prepare my lunch, dinner bla bla bla. Sounds selfish isn't it?

How about.. I love you because I need you to be by my side, and the need is of course because my love towards you. And I would not need somebody whom I don't love. Now it sounds ideal.

Now ladies, let's not being too rigid (this is for myself too, haha..) because everything in this world is true to some extent and false to some extent. Let's take an analogy of a half glass of water. Is it full? No. Is it empty? No. The truth is, it is both empty and full. 50% full and 50% empty. Hence the statement "the glass is full" is 50% correct and 50% false. And so with the statement "the glass is empty" - also 50% correct and 50% false. (ape kaitan??)

Sambung balik..

Then, what's the difference between "want" and "need"? I, if without a deep thought would prefer to be wanted, and not to be needed. Because again, that silly way of thinking which makes me feel that a "need" is a selfishness. But it actually is not true, I just realised. At least not 100% true, if we think through the fuzzy route.

Somebody said, "need is like oxygen in life, but want is like a cigarette. You need oxygen to survive but you need cigarette because you simply want to smoke", not exactly the same sentence, but more or less.

Nah! Now I want to be needed, not wanted. Because I want to be oxygen, not cigarette! And also, I guess I now have a new perception and would not be skeptical on the sentence "I love you because I need you" again.

p/s : Hari ini sy tidak pegi sekolah. Kesudahannya, kerja sy ialah merapu2... hahaha!


Unknown said...

oih pening nk decide kategori manakah kite tergolong..

all i know is i love my bibu, i want my bibu and i need my bibu..

arap2 dia pon sama le.. heh

kite kenen epa ngan abg joe lah.. baru jek balik dari scotland.. leh kite dua jadi beras.. eh birass =p

Shidah said...

this tough sometime make people confuse. When you confuse you can't make a correct decision especilly when one guy say I love you because I need you and the other one say I need you because I love you at the same time..haha..

p/s This is happen when you have lot of work to do and can't think well...merapu..wakaka

Efa said...

mija :: i lap your bibu too.. opppss salah2.. hahaha.. :p

kak shidah :: this is what we call rewarding ourselves for nothing.. haha.. adoii laa...

Anonymous said...

To Miss O2 ...

My 2cents:

I can live life with "things I WANTED most"...


It's close to impossible 4 me, living life "without things I NEEDED most"...

-KrYpToNiAn ThAt BrEaTh AiR-


pearl said...

poning gak akak membaca.. kene paham baru paham.. ahahaha