23 April 2010

hey hey i miss my bed

It's been almost 3 months (or more?) since my last entry. Firstly, maaflah janji untuk mengupload gambar2 winter terpaksa tidak ditunaikan.. sebab rasanya dah tak relevant lagi as spring is now in the air..

Nothing much to write really. It's 6.17 am and I am still in the lab and haven't yet slept since yesterday. I had a can of Red Bull and that made me stay awake. Now I am having another cup of coffee to sustain the caffeine.. :p I know it's bad, but I am desperate. I have to make sure that I finish both poster and presentation slide for EGU conference in Vienna this Friday. We (Bob and me) are leaving tomorrow and I have to get this poster printed by today. Owh, and also not to forget that I'll have a meeting with Bob and Chris at 9.30 am.. that'll be 3 hours from now.

I will survive.. I hope I will.


Anonymous said...

I believe you will!


Anonymous said...

ahaha..caya la kakak..lu mmg terbaikkk!!

-k la sgt :p-