23 September 2009


Sy sangat marah, geram dan sakit hati. Nafas dah turun naik, rasa nak menangis pun ada. :(

It was 11.20pm and I was in the bathroom, brushing and flossing my teeth when I heard somebody rang the bell. With curiosity, I went downstairs with Kak shidah. We decided to open the door but with the chain locked (thank God).

And there was this British (I think) guy, asking time.. "what's time now?"

"20 past 11", I said.

"Can you please unlock the door?" he insisted.

And we started thinking that there was something wrong with this guy. I immediately shut the door and asked him from inside.

"What do you want?"

"Please look through the window", he said.

And I went to the window as I thought he might wanna say or show something. And indeed, yes he was showing his penis. Damn pervert!!!!!!!!!

To the pervert, get a life! or at least get a hooker will u?



yaya|azura said...

lenkali gelakkan aje .... apa ingat barang dia tu best sangat nak tunjuk2...

hugs cik efa*. cian dia trauma. i feel u.

luckily the door was chain locked. :)

take care!

Anonymous said...

Dear O2..

Next time, It would be better if you just shout-out loud asking for purpose and identification without even considering 2 peep a hole or worse open d door :p.

Ohh by the way... If u happen to have pepper spray, might consider be equipped with it (especially @ night)




Efa said...

cik yaya.. lain kali memangg nak siapkan sebaldi air sejuk, mmg gigil kalau kene siram tu. Org2 sebegini nasib baik x harmful.. huaaa.. *hugs back*

Mr Kryptonian.. unfortunately pepper spray is illegal in the UK. And in fact, it's classified as offensive weapon. :( takpelah, pasni i won't open the door to strangers. hehe

pearl said...

ooo pepper spray illegal ke kat UK ni... so ape protection utk lady kalu jalan sorang2 ...

gilo betul lelaki itu!

Efa said...

tak tau la kak... tp pepper spray mmg illegal, kalau bawak atau guna mmg kene charge.. huaaa..

Shidah said...

moral of the story...do not open the door after 10am. buat2 tido..

Shidah said...

ops after 10pm..hehe